Kenya Wildlife Tour
Soon after David Sheldrick’s death in 1977, Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick founded The Sheldrick Trust and set up one of the most remarkable elephant orphanages outside Nairobi in memory and honor of her late husband which is today a global force for wildlife conservation. It has become the centre for information on elephants and their conservation. Tsavo National Park has been home to the Trust’s field operations. It is also one of the pioneering conservation organisations in East Africa. Till date, it has remained faithful to its ideals and principles.

Kenya Wildlife Tour
Known for Kitengela Glass founded by Nani Croze in 1981, Kitengela is also home to Kitengela Hot Glass owned by Anselm Croze, her son. Kitengela Hot Glass and Kitengela Glass are separate ventures operated by Anselm and Nani Croze respectively. They have different galleries, furnaces, and workshops, but share the grounds. In addition, there is also the Kintengela Glass Research and Training Center. Anyone who wants to learn to make glass sculptures can take a course offered at the Kitengela Glass Research and Training Center.

Kenya Wildlife Tour
In 1910, some enthusiastic naturalists and colonial settlers instigated Nairobi National Museum, as we know it today, to keep their collections of various specimens. In 1929, the then government set aside land for the construction of a museum at Museum Hill. The 22nd day of September 1930 saw the official opening of the museum. In honor of the former Governor of Kenya, Sir Robert Coryndon, they named it Coryndon Museum. But they renamed it on the attainment of independence in 1963 as the National Museum of Kenya.

Kenya Wildlife Tour
Kenya in miniature representing the country on a small scale can be seen at Bomas of Kenya. While for foreigners, Bomas of Kenya consist of traditional virtual villages and mud huts spread over many acres each representing the remote communities of the country, for residents, it is a spectacular afternoon out. Hence, it is a very popular tourist attraction for foreigners and locals alike. In 2003, the Bomas of Kenya hosted the National Constitutional Conference’s first meeting. It produced the Bomas Draft of the new constitution making it a high-profile historical site. Bomas of Kenya is situated 10km from the city center of Nairobi.

Kenya Wildlife Tour
A fascinating introduction to an important piece of the colonial history of Kenya can be found in Nairobi Railway Museum. It narrates the tale of the railway construction through the whole stretch of the period from the annexation of the country as a British protectorate, to the freedom struggle and independence. The undertaking led to the creation of Nairobi. The Museum is on Station Road at Nairobi station’s northwest end. It is near the Technical University of Kenya, that crosses the main line at Uhuru Highway.
Alternatively, you can relax at the hotel and enjoy a swim at the pool. At the time of departure, you will be met and transferred to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for homebound flight.
Safari ends here.