Crocodile leather accessories are very fragile that requires delicate care and handling to stay in shape. It is important to restrict excess movement of these accessories because it may scuff them up. Moreover, contaminants seep into the pores of the skin from everyday use, thereby depleting the natural oils. So, it is highly recommended to maintain the crocodile leather accessories at least once a month. Maintaining crocodile leather accessories is relatively easy and involves 4 steps. The steps are cleaning, conditioning, greasing and storing. All these four steps are equally critical for maintenance and to retain its natural state.
Crocodile is one of the oldest species on earth that have survived over millions of years. They are considered to be the prehistoric survivors of dinosaur antecedents. In their present form, they date back 80 million years. Egyptians kept them as pets 26 centuries ago. It is always fascinating to watch them, albeit from a distance. And that is why they are a favorite among safari travelers to Kenya. The Mamba crocodile farm in Nairobi Kenya is worth a visit not only to learn the many facets of crocodiles but also to consider the following 5 cool facts about crocodiles.
Travel to Kenya to get to know the crocodiles
Projects are working to conserve the few remaining cheetahs. Mara cheetah project and Cheetah conservation fund are the two cheetah conservation projects. The objective of Mara cheetah project is to identify the threats faced by cheetahs, establish the number of cheetahs and, where possible, mitigate the risks. The project uses a research-driven approach. On the other hand, Cheetah conservation fund was founded by Dr. Laurie Marker to save the cheetahs. The organization has created a set of integrated programs using its research aimed at addressing the threats not only to cheetah and its ecosystem but also to the human populations.
Doing a wildlife safari in Kenya is the best way to witness cheetahs. They occur in the vast plains and savannahs of Kenya. Their nonchalant manner in which they carry themselves has always marveled safari travelers. But their ferocity at the time of hunting and killing belies this nature. Any wildlife safari traveler to Kenya would concur that these magnificent cats exemplify beauty, grace, agility and savagery, all in equal measure. But there are some fun facts that they probably did not know about cheetahs in the Kenyan wild. Here are some 9 fun facts about the cheetahs in Kenya.
A team of field researchers, biologists, and scientists conducted a study in Kenya’s Maasai Mara using GPS collar data to document interactions between male cheetahs. Among many other things, the results of these interactions were investigated to determine mortalities as well as spatial and movement behavior. Here are some interesting details and facts that emerged out of that in-depth study. However, despite the clear patterns, there are several caveats to the quantity and quality of the data set of the study. Therefore, the results are likely to be on the cautious side and future studies should use higher resolution data.
Travel to Kenya to get to know the cheetahs
Travel to Kenya to get to know the birds
Travel to Kenya to enjoy balloon safaris
Hippopotamus weighs around 8,000 pounds making it the second largest land animal after the elephant. Biologists compare its weight to that of the Indian rhinoceros and the white rhinoceros. Because of its physique, people falsely believe that the hippopotamus is a sluggish and slow animal. On the contrary, it is quite ferocious that can kill anyone in sight almost instantaneously. In fact, records indicate that hippopotamuses kill more people than any other animal. Interestingly, there are incidents from field researchers’ reports of hippos attacking boats mistaking them for crocodiles. However, four fascinating things about these fearsome-looking quadrupeds are less known.
Typically, all carnivores in the world are ferocious predators. They chase and kill other animals in the forest for their food. For this, they use their power and force to their advantage. Kenya is full of such predators that live in the wild savannah and plains of the country. The 6 wild carnivores of Kenya are the leopard, wild dog, hyena, serval cat, genet and jackal. An encounter with any one of these vicious and violent animals can be deadly even to human beings. Hence, having any one of them as a house pet is probably not a good idea.
Travel to Kenya to get to know the wild animals
Travel to Kenya to get to know the safari land
The 3 species of zebra are Grevy zebra, mountain zebra and plains zebra. In 1882, the then Emperor of Abyssinia presented a zebra to the President of France whose name was Jules Grevy. This led to the coining of the word Grevy zebra. Mountain zebras usually take a dust bath daily. They have vertical stripes on the torso and neck as well as horizontal ones on the haunches. Plains zebra is the most widespread equine on earth. While in some parts they live a sedentary lifestyle, in other regions like Serengeti they migrate in response to the availability of water.
Various theories have been put forward as to the function of zebra stripes. According to a school of thought, its equine ancestor was striped, but they lost it during the evolution. Zebra’s black and white stripes remain a mystery to science even today because they seem out of place in the bush. Zoologists have yet to unravel the mysteries behind its signature striped suit. Scientists are not sure why zebras have not blended in with the browns and reds or why they have stripes. There are many theories and counter-theories to this riddle. Let us examine 2 of such theories.
Travel Through The Savannahs Of Kenya To Get To Know The Zebras
The role of zebra stripes has been an interest for 150 years. It has drawn many hypotheses. They include confusion of predators, camouflage, signalling to conspecifics and avoidance of flies. Regarding confusion of predators, these striped animals do not have the sort of pattern that aids in confusion. Regarding camouflage, zebra stripes are not easy for lions and hyenas to resolve at any great distance. Regarding social benefits, patterns of association and rates of grooming are no greater in striped mammals than in unstriped mammals. However, there is a consensus that the its role is to thwart attack from flies.
Soon after David Sheldrick’s death in 1977, Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick founded Sheldrick trust in memory of her late husband that became the most remarkable elephant orphanage in Kenya. It has become the center for information on elephants. Through the Orphans project, the Sheldrick wildlife trust saves the lives of orphaned elephants. Calves who are orphaned due to brutal ivory trade and habitat loss are brought here from all over Kenya. They receive extremely specialized treatment and personal care from highly dedicated staff. After rehabilitation, they are ultimately released back into the wild where they are reintroduced to wild herds.
The intention of establishing the National Museum of Kenya with its 29 regional museums was to bring museums closer to people. However, unfortunately, the museum visitors in Kenya have been on the decline and have become passive consumers instead of engaging as participants. It is necessary therefore to develop advanced forms of participation in building museums in Kenya to remain relevant by making the users central. The incompatibility between current museum practices and the needs of people begs for research. Having identified this, this research was carried out to explore means by which museums in Kenya can work with stakeholders.
The ostrich is the largest bird in the world with a male ostrich growing around 2 meters tall. An average ostrich weighs around 200lb or 100kg and measures 7-9ft in length. From head to toe. Hence, it is too heavy to fly and remains a flightless bird. But the flightless ostrich has the biggest eye of any animal. It measures 5cm across the face, allowing them to see predators at very long distances. However, the 3 most amusing characteristics of ostriches are that they are the fastest biped, they swallow large stones and they bury their head in the sand.