Amidst the thicket of canopy trees and shrubs, a few kilometers from Nakuru town, lies the fascinating and magnificent Lord Egerton’s mansion. He built it in 1952. Love inspired its existence. The castle casts its shadow on its lush lawn as well as the chiseled boulders dotting its stairways. Love is so impactful that it can move people’s hearts even to build luxurious castles. The Egerton Castle of Nakuru in Kenya tells a love story albeit without a fairy tale ending because Lord Maurice Egerton lived until 1958 as a loner in the castle. Eventually, he died a sad death.
Articles by Val Jiwa
Joy Adamson was a wildlife preservationist and naturalist who spent forty years living on the game reserves of Kenya. She became deeply involved in wildlife preservation activities and is known for the films and books depicting her work in Kenya, especially her book Born Free and Spotted Sphinx. Elsamere in Naivasha is the former home of Joy Adamson, operating now as a museum dedicated to her with the original editions of her books – Born Free – and her paintings on display. The real treat at Elsamere is the afternoon tea set amid flowerbeds and lawns that attract plentiful monkeys and birds.
The area surrounding Thomsons Falls in Nyahururu palpitates with such vibes as to allow any visitor a unique experience. It is unlike any other place in Kenya. The constant sound of the falls, twittering of the birds, chirping of the monkeys, and the enchanting view would make anyone feel closer to nature than at any other time and place. The hippo pool at the equator never ceases to amaze visitors. As one marvels at the wonders of the environment, it is quite natural to feel overwhelmed. The tourism industry has also not given it the credit that it truly deserves.
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Videos of Mombasa hotels, resorts, apartments and villas
The capital city of Kenya, Nairobi, is situated 1,800 meters above sea level on the northernmost border of Athi Plains. Nairobi is East Africa’s most cosmopolitan city and Kenya’s beating heart. Through a remarkable metamorphosis of the face of Nairobi, it has become a thrilling and maddening concrete jungle. The city is now an untrammeled natural beauty unseen anywhere in the region. Evidently, the capital city of Kenya has risen within a century from a brackish swampland to a thriving place, and the modernity has quickly caught up. However, intriguingly, this is not an urban city separated from the wilderness.