Frequently Asked Questions About Crocodiles In Kenya
Articles by Val Jiwa
Frequently Asked Questions About Cheetahs In Kenya
Frequently Asked Questions About Birds In Kenya
Frequently Asked Questions About Balloon Safari In Kenya
Frequently asked questions about animals in Kenya
Frequently asked questions about accommodation in Kenya
A petition has been submitted to the National Assembly, calling on Members of Parliament to ban the use of TikTok, a popular social media application.
Many Kenyan tales are told of zebrasto explain their unique behavior or looks. Some of the well-known ones are the fascinating stories of how they got their stripes. There are several variations of it. They are all Kenya legends originated from the Bushmen. One of them overlaps with how baboons developed a colorful bottom. The second one with how turtles got their hard shells. And the third one is an amusing story of how a naughty young zebrapainted itself black. So, how did the zebra get its black and white stripes, or is it black stripes on a white coat?
Zebra is a majestic wild animal. Most of its symbolism comes from Africa. Zebra has a deep meaning in shamanism, African tribal traditions, psychological sciences and many other religions. Even today it is used to denote the symbolic meaning of it. So, for what does it stand? A zebra animal symbol represents community, freedom, balance, and individualism. Why does it stand for them? For that, it is rather important to delve into a more meaningful discussion about why zebra stands for these characteristics. Otherwise, it would amount to nothing more than superstitions and myths made up by our ignorant ancestors.
Zebra crossing goes back several decades. It was born on the 31st of October, 1951 in Slough, Berkshire in England. The increase in traffic on British roads meant that fatalities from accidents were high. One of the reasons for the high road incidents was that the pedestrians were not familiar with cars. The other reason was that in those days, street crossings had metal studs that were easy to spot for the pedestrians but not so much for the motorists. The accidents warranted a need for safer ways to cross the roads. Hence, a more visible pedestrian crossing was needed.