1) Embarking

5 things to expect during a balloon safari
The daily flights follow the same pattern taking off at dawn although the flight path is up to the winds. At around 5:30 am, the passengers are picked up from their lodge or camp and driven to the take-off site. The mornings are slightly nippy. The most dreadful thing about flying in a hot-air balloon is getting into the basket. It lies on its side before inflating the envelope. Then the passengers crawl into the basket while lying down with their knees drawn to their face and head sticking out a little.
2) Heating
Before long the air in the balloon gets heated by the fuel and becomes hotter than the air outside, which gives it the much-needed lift to fly. Gradually, the basket rises from its side and rests on its bottom. The crew holds the basket with ropes while the balloon gets filled with more hot air.
3) Rising

5 things to expect during a balloon safari
The hotter the air, the faster it ascends. The balloon ascends with the rising sun for a 90-minute journey of 12 km. There is much to smile about because the sun is just beginning to bathe the horizon in orange and make its presence felt. The balloon alternates between flying 300 meters above ground or skimming treetops for a panoramic view of the Mara plains because it is highly manoeuvrable. Occasionally, the balloon plumbs down to around 50 feet to get a closer look. The pilot controls the flying height.
4) Landing
As the balloon cools, it dips lower, descends and lands. Upon landing, the pilot makes a landing announcement. From a distance, a few guides who have been in touch with the pilot come to retrieve the passengers from the landing site. And the passengers disembark after an hour-long balloon safari. Luckily, getting out of an upright basket is less dramatic than getting in. The driver then takes the passengers to the breakfast site a short distance away from the river on a grassy plain.
5) Breakfast in style
There is no better way to end a memorable morning of balloon wildlife safari, sailing over the beautiful savannahs and vast plains of Kenya than with a champagne breakfast. And this is how it goes. At the reception site, the crew and the passengers of the hot-air balloon flight toast champagne. As part of the toast, the pilot recites the balloonist’s prayer and offers an elaborate breakfast. Hence, every balloon safari ends with one that includes boiled eggs, bacon and egg quiche, spinach quiche, sausages, pastries, fruit and yogurt. It is cooked either over the balloon’s burners or on wood fires. Hors-d’oeuvres and mimosas invariably accompany the breakfast. The food is delicious as is the champagne. For engagements and weddings, additional accompaniments are provided to make the experience special. Then you are presented with a certificate to mark the glorious occasion. After the meal, by mid-morning, the guides slowly drive the passengers back to the camp or lodge
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